Confidentially, I had low expectations for her snowboarding adventure; I thought that despite the 90-minute lesson, the repeated face-plants into the snow, and a little snow down the parka, would quickly turn her interest into tubing or just watching TV at the lodge. How little credit I gave her! Sarah gamely strapped into her snowboard, and I caught up with her at one point during her lesson, as she was maneuvering quite impressively. After her lesson, over lunch she enthused about the experience; after lunch, she and I headed to the bunny trails and lift to ski/snowboard together.
During our first run together, she impressed with how long she was able to stay up before catching an edge and tumbling over; I managed to catch this particular run on video:
However, the next time wasn't as fortunate. She elected to try the broad trail that runs directly underneath the bunny lift; it turned out to be a bit steeper than she had expected, and she lost control and fell nearly at the bottom, bruising her left knee and taking her out of snowboarding for the rest of the afternoon. Before the weekend was over, though, she did say she thought she'd be back next year, and I certainly hope so, as it was a special time skiing with my daughter.
David, of course, continues skiing and trying to win races among his fellow Scouts. Their favorite trail to do so winds from the top of the mountain to the bottom, and is called Timber Ridge. Once, I tried to stay caught up with him on Sunday, and this was the result:
Despite Sarah's injury we all enjoyed the weekend. It's nice to get away as the four of us and to try new things, again continuing with the theme of 2013: there's gonna be some changes!
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